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Christchurch City Scene
November 2000

Taking gardening to new heights

Christchurch gardeners Jean Derry (left) and Lois Johnson
Christchurch gardeners Jean Derry (left) and Lois Johnson with thriving veges in a twin raised garden box at Jean's.
The Raised Garden Project is a community-based project providing gardeners with affordable additions to their gardens, and providing people with work.

Raised gardens are produced by Mature Employment Services, a partly Council funded organisation that helps older adults into work.

The gardens come in the twin bed raised style, which is about waist high and costs $110, and the single bed ground-level style, $55. Both styles are 1700mm long and 200mm deep. They are best filled with compost and kept moist.

"They're great for growing flowers, vegetables and herbs in limited spaces," says Paul Stewart, Community Grow co-ordinator with Canterbury Development Corporation. They can be located on terraces and patios and just outside the kitchen for easy access, like the Naked Chef's window box!

"They're perfect for people who want to eliminate back-breaking bending and for people with disabilities."

He recommends the raised gardens for apartments, offices, retirement homes, schools and to provide variety in any garden.

"They can be moved easily to suit changing needs and if you move house, you can take them with you."

To order, contact Mature Employment Services on 382 1333. The twin bed raised box is $110 and the single bed ground-level one $55 (including GST). Delivery and compost are extra.

They're great for growing flowers, vegetables and herbs in limited spaces.

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