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City Scene - November 2005
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Uniforms updated

Council parking officers have a new summer uniform. The maize-coloured tops have been replaced with blue, in a fabric made for people who spend their days outside and on the move.

Aside from their day-to-day business of ensuring regular circulation of vehicles in the city’s on-street parking bays, the parking team has also been busy recently with a schools’ programme and helping ensure traffic at big events like the Meridian Energy Fireworks at New Brighton run smoothly.

Kay Hazlett-Brown, the team’s leader, says seven schools have now taken part in a programme to encourage parents and caregivers to change their behaviour at the start and end of the school day. The parking team works with schools to promote good driver behaviour outside schools and recommend alternatives, such as walking to school.

This summer the team is also preparing to work with staff at QEII Park to encourage better use of parking there. “QEII’s becoming more and more popular and that means there’s pressure on the parking,” Ms Hazlett-Brown says.

“We’ll be out at QEII pretty regularly over summer with the aim of encouraging people who are going to be there for longer stays to use the parks further away from the entrance and so free some of those closer-in spaces for people who just need to pop in and out.”

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