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City Scene - November 2005
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Managing our rubbish a major issue

Household rubbish and how it’s managed is a major issue facing most communities, including Christchurch.

It affects us all — our city and environment — now and in the future. And it needs us all to take responsibility.

Have your say and let us know which option you prefer.

Submissions close on Friday, 2 December and hearings will be held on Monday, 12 and Tuesday, 13 December. During the hearings the Council will consider feedback from residents and other interested groups together with other relevant information in deciding on a preferred option.

It is possible that through this process another option maybe identified and determined to be the preferred option.

The preferred option will then become part of the Council’s draft long-term community plan, which itself will be open for comment next year.

  • More information and a submission form are in the Council’s draft Waste Management Plan and Summary Document. Copies of these are available from Council service centres and libraries, on the web at or by calling the Council on 941 8999.
Recycling wheelie bin and 26 rate-funded rubbish bags Recycling and rubbish wheelie bins Recycling and organics wheelie bins and user-pays rubbish bags
  • A 140 or 240 litre wheelie bin provided for the fortnightly collection of recycling
  • 26 rubbish bags would be provided through rates and rubbish would be collected weekly
  • A 140 or 240 litre wheelie bin provided for the fortnightly collection of recycling
  • A 140 litre wheelie provided for the fortnightly collection of rubbish
  • A 140 or 240 litre wheelie bin provided for the fortnightly collection of recycling
  • An 80 litre wheelie bin provided for the weekly collection of organics
  • User-pays rubbish bags and rubbish would be collected weekly
Impact on rates 0% increase in rates (26 bags provided) 3.2% increase in rates (rubbish wheelie bin) 1.5% increase in rates (user-pays bags)
Impact on waste 33% less waste would be sent to the landfill 65% more waste would be sent to landfill 146% less waste would be sent to landfill
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