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City Scene - November 2005
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Movement for LYFE

The LYFE festival is on the move. Normally held on the first weekend in November, the Linwood Youth Festival Experience is moving dates to Sunday, 12 March next year.

LYFE is core-funded by the Council’s Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board and is an icon youth event that the board has supported since it started eight years ago.

The LYFE advisory group made the decision to move to the end of the summer after doing a survey of those who would be most affected.

In the past, weather had been a big issue for many people and the March date should be better for the outdoor event. The new timeslot means the festival will also be included as part of the city’s Summertimes programme and it will give the young people who organise and run the event a positive start to the new school term.

As in past years, the LYFE festival will be held at Linwood Park. The coordinators are Miriama McDonald and Nic Stewart, at or P O Box 24160, Linwood. Get in touch if you’d like to help organise or take part.

The day will include fun, games, music, dance, rides, stalls, food and more in a celebration of local youth pride, diversity, culture, and achievement.

LYFE’s aim is to develop pride and build strong, positive relationships between Linwood young people and their community by profiling their achievements and providing opportunities for them to expand their knowledge.

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