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City Scene - November 2005
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Full bin a sign of better behaviour

Coastal Parks Ranger Warren Hunt (pictured with Buddy) had been concerned for some time about the numbers of dog owners who apparently thought picking up their pets’ droppings was optional at Bottle Lake Forest Park.

“It’s a popular spot for exercising dogs and most of the owners are good about picking up, but compared to other parks we did have a problem — fairly squashy underfoot in places,” he says. “Perhaps they thought it could do the trees some good.”

To encourage a behaviour change, Mr Hunt designed a pair of “dogspeak” signs. The translation reads, “Dog owners, this sign is telling your dog that you are responsible for what they do, so please use the bags and bin provided to uplift their/your deposits, and we can all walk away wagging our tails. Thank you.”

The plea seems to be working. Rangers have noticed a big increase in the use of the doggy doo bin, which is now being emptied more often.

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