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City Scene - November 2005
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Anniversary visit to UK’s Christchurch

Christchurch’s sister city in Dorset is extending the hand of friendship to celebrate our 30-year relationship. Our city is organising a special tour to celebrate the anniversary.

In February this year, Christchurch hosted a group from Christchurch in Dorset. Those visitors are keen to return the hospitality. The tour, from 14 May to 3 June next year, has been arranged to make the most of the English springtime.

It is expected to cost around $6500, although that may fall if a sufficient number go. Included is all travel by air and coach throughout southern counties of England near the Dorset coast, the New Forest and parts of northern France, where many New Zealanders, who died in the two world wars, are buried.

Christchurch, Dorset, is steeped in history, having existed since the Iron Age.

Members of the Christchurch Twinning Association will host those taking the tour for six nights. Guided tours during that time take in Salisbury, Stonehenge, Bath, Portsmouth and Southampton.

In France, the tour includes the D-Day landing sites, with two nights in Bayeux and a visit to the cathedral and the Bayeux Tapestry, Monet’s garden, the Palace of Versailles, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.

Other touring and accommodation options are available for those who wish to extend their stay. For more information about this anniversary tour, call in the evenings either Ted Clarke on 980 8596 or Ian Morrison on 355 6069.

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