Plan for Linwood Park Over the last two years, widespread research and consultation has been conducted with key stakeholders and the wider community, resulting in an exciting development plan for Linwood Park. The plan includes naturalization of the waterway, additional pathways and improvements to existing pathways, constructing new toilets on the Linwood Avenue frontage, improved lighting and additional seating. Other key features include upgrading the rose garden, installing a fitness trail, main entrance signage to incorporate notices of park events, improvements to the skatepark area and additions to children’s play facilities. Sports ground improvements will complete the scheme. Extensive new plantings of a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees will provide an ongoing landscape for the park as many of the existing trees reach maturity. Funding of $90,000 is allocated for the current financial year and provisional budgeting of $85,000 for 2004/05, $45,000 for 2005/06 and $100,000 for 2006/07. |