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Christchurch City Scene
June 2001

Tackling tree problems

A city-wide tree planting strategy is being considered by the City Council and it will embrace a variety of tree issues raised in recent months.

One matter to be considered will be the "Guardian of the Trees" scheme.

If the survival rate of recently planted trees is to increase and established trees saved from "the developers’ chainsaw", the appointment of honorary "tree guardians" could provide an answer.

Tree guardians could report instances of vandalism to new trees or moves by property developers on sections where mature trees exist.

The guardians may also be willing to carry out some watering of new trees and generally keep an eye on trees.

Another suggestion was that metal protection cages for newly planted trees would assist survival and residents or organisations might be willing to sponsor the cost of the cages.

A visitor to Christchurch suggested that people or groups be permitted to donate or plant trees in specific memorial places, as a living memory to a deceased person or pet.

A plaque commemorating the person or pet could be installed with the tree when planted.

Council staff are investigating all suggestions and various reports will be presented to the several Council committees for comment and approval.

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