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Christchurch City Scene
July 2001

City gears up for spring-clean

Plans are under way for the city’s annual spring-clean and residents are being asked to lend a hand.

The week-long clean up, which will take place from 17-23 September, is part of a global "Clean Up The World" campaign.

The idea is for individuals, groups, schools and businesses to get together and organise a clean-up in their local areas.

Co-ordinated by Keep Christchurch Beautiful, Christchurch City Council and Marine Watch, the event relies on community sup port and involvement. Marine Watch spokesperson Jim Lilley says more than 500 Cantabrians helped during last year’s clean up.

"With this year’s theme being ‘Year of the Volunteer’, it’s hoped even more people will take part."

"Clean-ups can be large or small, run for an hour, a day or the entire week," he says.

While some groups may already have a site in mind, a list of sites that need cleaning up is available if anyone needs ideas. The Council is sup plying gloves and rubbish bags.

First held in 1993, "Clean Up The World" aims to reduce the 650 billion tonnes of waste produced by the world’s cities each year. The long-term goal is to reduce waste by changing attitudes and behaviour.

A registration form is included (right).

Once people have a site in mind, a day, time and an idea of numbers, they need to fill out the attached form and send it to the address on the form.

More information: Keep Christchurch Beautiful Co-ordinator, Ingrid Le Fevre, ph: 941 8832.

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