Traffic jams? No thanks!
Your views are wanted on options for the Northern Roading
Options Scoping Study (NROSS), which is aimed at easing pressure on Christchurch's
northern roads.
The options have been developed and refined to a small
number of main variations. Initial analysis is nearly finished and more input from the
public is needed.
Public meetings, as well as many means of submitting
feedback to the study, are planned for next month (August) and will be notified through
newspapers and other circulars.
NROSS is a joint study by traffic and transportation
engineers Traffic Design Group on behalf of the City Council, Transit New Zealand,
Environment Canterbury, Waimakariri District Council and Hurunui District Council.
The study area is bounded generally by Bealey Avenue,
Papanui Road, Sawyers Arms Road, the Waimakariri River and Marshland Road.
The study assesses current and future traffic demands in
north Christchurch and has identified potential improvements to deal with problems and
The key aim is to identify up to five strategies to meet
traffic needs over the next quarter- century. The impact of each on cycling, walking,
public transport and the environment will also be tested.