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November - December 99
Christchurch City Scene

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  • New Year's Eve is a night like any other - use common sense
  • Look after each other - your family, neighbours and friends.
Wherever you are on New Year's Eve, here is some timely advice...

Out and about

  • Nominate a sober driver The Police are working to keep us all safer by having a large number of checkpoints and patrols out on the night
  • Expect traffic delays, so be patient in traffic and, if traffic lights are out, remember the right hand rule
  • Keep some money in you pocket just in case you need transport
  • Look after your friends - stick together
  • Car pool if possible to reduce traffic congestion
  • If you're in Christchurch City Centre and need medical attention, there will be a special medical tent on the corner of Rolleston and Cashel Streets

If you have any problems

  • If you, or someone you are with, has an accident or needs medical treatment call an ambulance on 111
  • In Christchurch, the 24 Hour Surgery (formerly After Hours Surgery) corner Bealey Ave/ Colombo Street is open right through the night for fast, professional medical attention if you're hurt or sick. Keep the Hospital Emergency Department for emergencies
  • If you go to the Emergency Department and your condition is not urgent, you may be in for a long wait, the most urgent cases are treated first and New Year's Eve is the busiest night of the year
  • Power cuts can happen any time and are caused by a range of factors - including possums up power poles and strong winds. These might cause a power cut rather than it being aY2K problem
  • Every night of the year Orion aims to restore power to homes in urban areas within three hours and to rural areas within six

Be reassured, power, water and waste...

  • Power, water and waste providers are all well prepared forY2K. The testing is complete and the checking done. Suppliers have plans in place to ensure the service is resumed as soon as possible in the unlikely event of any problem

Be ready
Have a Be Ready Survival Kit. Details were sent to all residents in September. You should have a full Be Ready Survival Kit in your home, so you are prepared for any emergency including floods and earthquake. This kit should include:

  • A supply of non perishable food and a supply of water
  • Knowing where your candles, torches, radio and spare batteries are
  • If you need regular prescription medicines make sure you have sufficient to last you over the New Year, and see your doctor before the Christmas holidays start
  • Look after your pets, have food for them >
For a copy of the information sent to all households in September phone 0800 Y2KWISE (0800 925 9473) Or look in the back page of your yellow pages.

Remember: For Updates on Millennium events and essential services on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day - listen to News Talk ZB on 1098AM.

Suported by

24 Hour Surgery Civil Defence Canterbury Regional Council Canterbury Health Newstalk ZB The Order of St John Orion Christchurch City Council New Zealand Police

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