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November - December 99
Christchurch City Scene

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Beautiful history

"City Beautiful" costs $39.95
(discounts are available for bulk purchases)
and is available from Council service centres.
Anyone interested in the history of Christchurch may be well-advised to buy a new book called "City Beautiful", by Thelma Strongman.

It is a new history of Christchurch, seen from an aesthetic point of view. The book has been written to mark the centennial of Christchurch Beautifying Association, which was first formed in 1897 to help create beautiful environments for City residents.

The precursor to the Council Parks Unit, the association's first task was to smooth the Avon River banks in the central City to establish lawns and bedding plants. The Market Square (which became Victoria Square) also needed immediate attention.

The association pushed for improvements to Cathedral Square for many years; was involved in improving the entrances to the City, such as Memorial Avenue and Moorhouse Avenue, and encouraged further beautification for the 1974 Commonwealth Games.

Major donations the association has made to the City include the floral clock in Victoria Square, Peacock Fountain near Canterbury Museum, daffodils in Hagley Park and the Mill Island water wheel.

While much of its work was taken over by the City Council, the association has maintained a role as public watchdog and advocate for preserving beauty. It is thanks to the association and its allies that Christchurch can claim to be New Zealand's Garden City.

"City Beautiful" costs $39.95 (discounts are available for bulk purchases) and is available from Council service centres.

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