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City Scene - July 1997

Resource Management Changes Under City Plan Variations

Notified two years ago, the City Plan outlines resource management issues, objectives, policies and rules for the use of land in Christchurch.

When the City Plan was notified in 1995, submissions were invited. Two Council panels are now hearing these submissions and will make recommendations to the Council about changes to the City Plan resulting from the submissions.

Hearings on the Plan began last October and are around 40 per cent complete. So far submissions have been heard on issues including natural environment, water, flooding, land and soils, energy, City identity, Tangata Whenua, urban growth and transport, and also living zone rules. Submissions on rezoning from rural to living zoning and on all business zone provisions are to be heard shortly.

To reflect changing circumstances and public aspirations amendments -- or variations -- to the Proposed City Plan are periodically necessary. Christchurch residents now have the opportunity to comment on a number of proposed variations. These include amendments to inconsistencies, new rules to control fortified sites such as gang headquarters, and the addition of over 200 trees which meet the criteria for protection.

A public notice of four variations is inserted.

For further information, or a timetable of submission hearings, contact the City Plan Section of the Christchurch City Council on 941 8527.

July 1997 City Scene ~ City Scene Archive

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