Report of the Regulatory And Planning Committee to the Council meeting of
Thursday 25 September 2008
A meeting of the Regulatory And Planning Committee was held on
Thursday 4 September 2008
Present: Councillor Sue Wells (Chairperson), Councillors Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Ngaire Button, Yani Johanson, Claudia Reid, Bob Shearing, Mike Wall and Chrissie Williams.
In Attendance: Councillor Norm Withers.
Apologies: Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillors Sally Buck and Yani Johanson.
Councillor Yani Johanson arrived at 9.35am and was not present for part of clause 4.
Councillor Sally Buck arrived at 9.37am and was not present for part of clause 4.
Councillor Mike Wall departed at 11.30am and was not present for clause 8 and part of clause 3.
Councillor Bob Shearing departed at 11.55am and was absent for part of clause 8.
A copy of the Full Report without Appendices is available.
Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions