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Report of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board to the Council meeting of
Thursday 4 October 2007
A meeting of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board was held on
Wednesday 22 August 2007
Bob Todd (Chairperson), Anna Crighton (from 4.36pm), John Freeman, Yani Johanson (to 4.36pm), Brenda Lowe-Johnson and Brendan Smith (from 3.10pm to 3.45pm)
An apology for absence was received and accepted from David Cox.
Brendan Smith arrived at 3.10pm and retired at 3.45pm and was absent for part clause 1 only.
An apology for lateness was received from Anna Crighton who arrived at 4.36pm and was present for clause 12 only.
Yani Johanson declared an interest in respect of clause 12 and withdrew from the meeting.