Report of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board to the Council meeting of
Thursday 30 August 2007
A meeting of the Hagley/Ferrymead Community Board was held on
Wednesday 25 July 2007
Present: |
Bob Todd (Chairperson), David Cox, John Freeman, Brendan Smith (from 3.13pm) and Yani Johanson. |
Apologies: |
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Anna Crighton and Brenda Lowe-Johnson.
An apology for lateness was received from Brendan Smith who arrived at 3.13pm and was absent for part of clause 2.1.
An apology for early departure was received from Brendan Smith who retired at 4.30pm and was absent for clauses 1, 6 part 9 and 13. |
A copy of the Full Report without Appendices is available.
Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions