Forum Elected
Members: |
Christchurch City Council:
Councillor Bob Parker (Chairman), Councillors Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Bob Shearing and Sue Wells and Mayor Garry Moore (alternate)
Environment Canterbury:
Councillors Richard Budd, Alec Neil (Ross Little alternate)
Selwyn District Council:
Councillors Debra Hasson and Annette Foster (Jens Christensen and Lindsay Philps alternates)
Waimakariri District Council:
Councillors Kath Adams and Kevin Felsted (Dan Gordon alternate)
Key Stakeholders Group:
Claudia Reid, Lyttelton/Mt Herbert Community Board
Steve Lowndes, Akaroa/Wairewa Community Board
Neville Smith, Ministry of Education
Carey Clark, Ministry of Education
Max Percasky, Palms Mall
Dr Morgan Williams, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Pam Richardson, Federated Farmers
Peter Townsend/Steve Collins, Chamber of Commerce
Dr Alistair Humphrey, Canterbury District Health Board
Dr Anna Stevenson, Canterbury District Health Board
Dr Simon Kingham, University of Canterbury
Dave O'Connell, Ngai Tahu
Rob Churcher, NZ Property Council
Matthew Everett, Ministry for the Environment
Committee Secretary
Warren Brixton
Telephone: 941 8439
Fax: 941 8696