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Christchurch City Council:
Councillor Bob Parker (Chairman), Councillors Helen Broughton, Sally Buck, Bob Shearing and Sue Wells and Mayor Garry Moore (Alternate)
Environment Canterbury:
Councillors Richard Budd and Alec Neil (Ross Little alternate)
Selwyn District Council:
Councillors Debra Hasson and Annette Foster (Jens Christensen and Lindsay Philps alternates)
Waimakariri District Council:
Councillors Kath Adams and Kevin Felsted
Key Stakeholders Group:
Neville Smith, Ministry of Education
Max Percasky, Palms Mall
Dr Morgan Williams, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Pam Richardson, Federated Farmers
Colin Knaggs, Transit New Zealand
Peter Townsend/Steve Collins, Chamber of Commerce
Dr Mel Brieseman, Canterbury District Health Board
Dr Simon Kingham, University of Canterbury
Dave O'Connell, Ngai Tahu