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Christchurch City Scene
May 2001

First shared footpath takes shape

Tennyson Street, Beckenham, will have the first shared footpath and cycle way in the city.

The new kerb and channel street replacement includes parallel cycle paths on each side of the road.

In cross-section there will be a 1.5m pedestrian footpath, then a 1.5m grass berm, which in parts will include planting, and then a 1.5m cycle path.

The cycle path, picked out in red colouring, will re-enter the roadway about 15m before each intersection.

However, the cycle path is off road for most of the length of the street.

This street will be the first designed in this way and will be used as a pilot scheme.

Pictured: The new-style Tennyson Street awaiting sealing.

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