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Christchurch City Scene
June 2001

Heritage awards to include tangata whenua section

A new award has been added to the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board’s Heritage Awards for this year.

This is a pre-1850 award that will recognise Maori and European cultural heritage sites "significant to tangata whenua prior to organised European settlement."

The other categories, for which one award a year is made, are:
Retention: The retention of a building previously under threat of demolition but now secured for the future.
Conservation and Restoration: Items undergone a conservation and-or restoration programme within the past year or part of staged programme of conservation or restoration.
Education and Awareness: Initiatives undertaken to promote heritage education and awareness in the board’s area.
Children: Aimed at raising the heritage awareness of the young and encouraging them to be proactive in their local environment.
Good Caretaker: To recognise property owners who have maintained a property in original or near original condition for a number of years.
Christchurch Star Award: Recognises efforts by businesses and retailers in the city centre to preserve or maintain a heritage building.

The Community Board hopes the awards will foster a greater awareness of the built heritage in the area.

To help with this, a book, including photographs and text of previous winning projects, is held in the New Zealand Room in the Christchurch Library.

A trophy is awarded to each winner, to be held for a year, along with a certificate.

Conditions of entry are available at the Linwood Service Centre and entries will close on Friday 7 September at 4pm at the Centre.

A presentation of awards will be held on Friday 5 October.

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