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Christchurch City Scene
June 2001

Board's cycle tour enlightening

Bob Todd
Chairman's Message . . .

Board members and the Advocacy Team recently participated in a cycle tour of areas of the Hagley/Ferrymead Wards so they could simulate the experiences of those who regularly use this mode of transport.

While we have dedicated cycle lanes on many of our streets, cyclists do encounter many obstacles, not the least being the attitude of many motorists who you would firmly believe felt cyclists had no right to be on the road.

I would implore motorists to recognise the fact cyclists do have rights and that they extend them the same courtesy they would other forms of transport and suggest they perhaps get out of their cars and on to a bike as it a great form of exercise.

The current term of Anna Crighton as a Board member expired recently and I wish to record my sincere appreciation of the contribution Anna has made to the community over the last eight years both as a Board member and Chairperson.

Although Anna’s name is synonymous with heritage issues she took a holistic approach to Board matters and I am grateful for her assistance and guidance when I assumed the role of Chairperson.

— Bob Todd

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