Council wants your comments ![]() All residents can comment on this draft annual plan and can do so by making submissions to the Council. A residents’ survey form is included in this supplement to the City Scene. The draft plan has been published and now the Council is looking for feedback from all residents. The Council acts on behalf of citizens to provide a wide range of services for the city. The draft plan, with a proposed overall rate increase of 2.20 per cent, sets out budgets, objectives and service standards for the coming year. All the business of the Council is covered. This ranges from the spending on road maintenance, to the cost of the library service, to dealing with our waste and development of the local economy. Councillors have drawn up this draft annual plan after weeks of extensive work and now every resident can have a say. The more citizens who take part in the process the better it will be to achieve the best solutions needed for running a city. This four-page supplement has been included in City Scene to help citizens give thought about some of the important matters facing the Council today and in the future and then give some feedback about the services provided. Fill in and return the response form on page 7 of the City Scene Alternatively, residents may wish to consult the whole of the draft plan This is available from the Civic Offices and service centres, or by ringing 941 8888. The Council must receive written comments by Monday 21 May on the response form in this supplement or by letter. Also, residents can speak to their submissions in person at City Council hearings on Tuesday 19 June to Friday 22 June and, if required, Monday 25 June and Tuesday 26 June (ask for a hearing when the written submissions are sent to the Council). You may be very specific, such as the money earmarked to upgrade your street, or you may wish to comment on something more general, such as the Council’s vision for the revitalisation of the central city. Some people might have other ideas entirely about how the Council’s income should be spent. The draft annual plan will be finalised by the City Council on Thursday 12 July. Send submissions to 2002 Draft Strategic Statement Submission, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch. Fax 941 8696 or email: ccc-plan@ccc.govt.nz to arrive by 5pm on 21 May |