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Slimming Your Waste: Towards Total Cost Assessment of Waste Management in Christchurch City




Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

The following list provides examples of how characteristics of the environment can be further broken down into sub-categories and gives examples of effects in each of those categories. This guides the user of the matrix to help with the identification of potential effects of a specific activity on the environment.

Examples of sub-categories of characteristics of the environment and examples of effects.

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment

Appendix 6: Categorisation Guide for Characteristics of the Environment





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