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27. 9. 2001

Report of the Parks and Recreation Committee 
to the Council

A meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee 
was held on Wednesday 12 September 2001 at 4pm

Present: Councillor Graham Condon (Chairman),
Councillors Carole Anderton,  Paddy Austin,  Erin Baker,  Sally Buck,  David Buist,  Barry Corbett,  Ishwar Ganda,  Pat Harrow, Gail Sheriff and Ingrid Stonhill.
Apologies: Apologies for lateness were received and accepted from Councillors Erin Baker and Sally Buck.
Councillor Baker arrived at 4.30pm and was present for all clauses except clause 15(a).
Councillor Buck arrived at 4.35pm and was present for all clauses except clause 15(a).
Councillor Anderton retired at 4.35pm and was present for clause 15(a).
Councillor Stonhill retired at 5.30pm and was present for clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 15(a) and (b), and 17.
Councillor Harrow retired at 6.00pm and was present for clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 18, 21 and 22.

Part A -
Part B -
Part C -
Matters Requiring A Council Decision
Reports For Information
Report on Delegated Decisions taken by the Committee
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Part A 1 New Brighton Surf Life Saving Club - TV Repeater
Part A 2 New Brighton Surf Life Saving Club
Part A 3 Heathcote Valley - Proposed Heritage Park
Part A 4 Canterbury Park:  Proposal for an Indoor Multi-use Equestrian Facility
Part A 5 Millennium Bridge
Part A 6 Bottle Lake - Lease Application by Nelson/Marlborough Institute of Technology
Part A 7 North Christchurch Pigeon Club - Application to Extend Leased Area of Marshlands Domain
Part A 8 Shaw Avenue Scope Women’s Bowling Club - Surrender of Lease
Part A 9 Sports Club Leases – Existing Occupations
Part A 10 Radcliffe Road Exchange of Land for Reserve
Part A 11 Ely Street – Property Purchase
Part A 12 Christchurch Kart Club
Part A 13 Proposed Policy for Easements Compensation for Existing Council-owned Parks and Reserves
Part A 14 Rawhiti Golf Links – Licence Agreement and Management Contract
Part B 15 Deputations by Appointment 
(a) New Brighton Surf Life Saving Club – TV Repeater
(b) Heathcote Valley – Proposed Heritage Park
(c) Pegasus Bay Drag Racing Club – Ruapuna Park
Part B 16 The Groynes - A Plan for the Future
Part B 17 Pegasus Bay Drag Racing Club – Ruapuna Park
Part B 18 Parks and Waterways Land Purchase Programme
Part B 19 Items Received
Part C 20 Supplementary Items
Part C 21 QEII Park – Track Replacement Tenders
Part C 22 Honorary Warden
Part C 23 Resolution to Exclude the Public

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