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City Scene - May 2005
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Tampa asylum seekers become NZ citizens

New citizen Habibullah Hussaini stands with Mayor Garry Moore and Mayoress Pam Sharpe. The 18-year-old is one of the “Tampa Boys” — Afghanistani minors who boarded a rickety Indonesian boat without parents or other relatives in 2001, looking for a better life. The vessel was heading for Australia but was foundering off Christmas Island when its passengers were saved from drowning by the crew of the Norwegian ship Tampa. New Zealand took 150 of the Tampa asylum seekers as refugees after Australia refused entry to the ship. Christchurch City Council organises and hosts up to eight citizenship ceremonies a year, for new kiwis living in the greater Christchurch metropolitan area. Mr Moore presides over each of these Town Hall occasions and confers citizenship on up to 200 people at each of the half-day events. Habibullah is working, helping support his parents and sisters as they strive to learn English and settle in Christchurch. “We’re all very happy here,” he says.

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