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City Scene - May 2005
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CCC’s essential services open for comment

Should some Council toilets be staffed? Is our water supply being adequately protected for the future? Are we disposing of wastewater properly?

These are some of the questions addressed in the Christchurch City Council’s draft assessment of water and sanitary services, which is now available for public comment at Christchurch City Council service centres, Civic Offices, Christchurch City Libraries and on the website. A summary of the assessment and public submission forms are also available from these sites.

An assessment of services including cemeteries and crematoria, public conveniences, stormwater drainage, wastewater and water supply is required of all territorial local authorities under the Local Government Act 2002. The focus of this assessment must be on ensuring that public health is protected and that future demand for water and sanitary services can be met.

“While much of our draft assessment has found that we should continue with the status quo, some issues have arisen that will require fur their investigation and consultation with the public,” says Mark Christison, the Council’s City Water and Waste Manager.

“Questions around the Council’s provision of public toilets are among the areas that we will be looking at more closely. At this point we’re raising the issue of whether the Council or retailers should provide toilets in shopping blocks. The potential to staff some busy Council toilets and charge users is another issue that we are hoping will attract public feedback,” he says.

  • Submissions must be received by the Christchurch City Council by 5pm on Monday, 30 May 2005. They may be made via the above website or sent to Water and Sanitary Services Consultation, Communication Team, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch. You can also ask to have your submission heard in person by a Council committee. Hearings are likely to be held between 31 May and 3 June 2005 and will be open to the public.
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