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City Scene - May 2005
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Sixty-two submissions received

Thirty-two submitters to the Ocean Outfall Resource Consents are seeking a chance to be heard at hearings.

Of the total 62 submitters, 23 support the resource consents, 31 oppose them and the remainder have not stated if they are for or against. Thirty-two, however, asked to be heard at the hearing, says John Moore, the City Council engineer heading the Ocean Outfall project.

A total of 29 consents, 27 of which are with Environment Canterbury (ECan), are being sought from Banks Peninsula District Council and Christchurch City Council for land use, and from ECan to build, operate and maintain an Ocean Outfall pipeline to discharge treated wastewater into the coastal marine environment.

Mr Moore says some of the 62 respondents submitted about several consents, and to more than one consent authority.

The public submissions period closed on 5 April, giving people twice the time required under the Resource Management Act to make submissions for or against the consents.

Following a decision on the resource consents, the timing of which will depend on the hearing process, the Council is required to let a contract to build an Ocean Outfall within eight months, Mr Moore says.

“We’ve started work on contract documents with the development of a concept pump station and hydraulic design. The project is currently on schedule,” Mr Moore says.

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