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City Scene - May 2005
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Council welcomes Banks Peninsula proposal

A plan to put an end to the Banks Peninsula District and include it in Christchurch City has been released by the Local Government Commission (LGC) and is open for public submissions until 30 June.

The LGC proposal is the latest move in a process started in November 2003 when about 1000 Peninsula people signed a petition asking for their district to be taken into the city.

Reports done on the issue say ties between the city and Peninsula continue to strengthen and that there would be significant cost savings for Peninsula ratepayers in making the change, while it would have virtually no impact on city ratepayers. The LGC believes it would promote good local government of the Peninsula area.

It suggests the Peninsula become a ward of the city and be represented by one City Councillor and two Community Boards of five members each. The Councillor would also be appointed to both Community Boards.

If the plan continues to draw public support, it is likely Banks Peninsula District will become part of the city around the end of February next year.

Commission chairman Grant Kirby announced the decision in Lyttelton last month. After the public submission period closes on 30 June, he said, the Commission would hold hearings.

The LGC would then decide whether to put out a final scheme based on this draft, or a modified one, or call a halt to the whole business and leave everything as it is.

If it decided to go ahead with a final reorganisation scheme, Banks Peninsula voters would have a poll to approve or reject it. A simple majority of those who voted in the poll would be needed for the change to happen.

Mr Kirby said that if such a poll was in favour, the next step would take place on 25 February next year when Peninsula voters elect their new Community Board members and City Councillor.

Banks Peninsula District would cease to exist when the election of those new Board members and Councillor was confirmed, probably within a week of the 25 February election.

Deputy Mayor Carole Evans welcomed the Commission’s proposal. “The City Council’s broadly in favour of the proposal as outlined and I look forward to seeing the process develop from here,” she said. “I urge everyone with an interest in this to read the proposal and consider making a submission.”

  • The proposal to abolish Banks Peninsula District and include it in Christchurch City is open for public comment until 30 June. Information about it is through a link on the front page of the LGC website, at
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