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City Scene - July 2005
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Whitebaiters’ meeting

The City Council is hosting a pre-season meeting for whitebaiters and salmon anglers who use the beach gate at Spencer Park to get access to the lower Waimakiriri River. The meeting is on Monday, 4 July at 7pm in the Ouruhia Hall on Guthries Road.

It is an opportunity for fishers to pay for and collect a beach-access key before the start of the whitebaiting season, and the meeting will offer important information about fishing and vehicle use. Representatives from the Council, Christchurch Police, ECan and DoC will talk briefly and be available to answer questions.

All previous and potential Spencer Park whitebaiters/salmon anglers, their friends and family are welcome to attend.

  • For more information about the meeting or about fishing and vehicle use at Spencer Park, call the Council’s Coastal Parks Area Head Ranger Rodney Chambers on 941 7540.
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