Memories of QEII Park on show
There’s a rare chance to explore the history and development of QEII Park, Christchurch’s flagship sports and leisure complex, at a free exhibition at Our City O-Tautahi until Friday, 8 July.
Find out how the Park has grown over the years since it opened for the 1974 Commonwealth Games, and relive some of your memories with a rare chance to look back at original archive materials from the Games and the Park, plus a special archive video presentation. You can also send your views about Park’s future direct to Christchurch City Council, on the spot, using the Have Your Say workstation.
The QEII Park: The Next 10 Years exhibition runs alongside the Council’s public consultation about the proposed QEII Park concept plan, which has been designed to protect the character of the Park and shape its use over coming years. Rather than setting out what will happen, the plan is designed to anticipate what could happen, ensuring that Christchurch City Council has guidelines in place to make sound and sustainable decisions when the need arises. If you don’t get chance to see the exhibition, you can find out more by picking up a free brochure about the history of QEII Park and the proposed plan from Council offices, or look online at the website. Like the exhibition, submissions on the plan close on Friday, 8 July.

- Our City O-Tautahi is on the banks of the Avon River opposite Rydges Hotel on the corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Street in the central city. It is open 10am-4pm, Monday to Saturday.
- Explore the Our City Website at