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City Scene - July 2005
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Soil tests reassure

The results of further soil testing at 13 Sandilands properties have revealed that all contaminants are within acceptable levels.

The Council has advised residents of the results and their property files (Land Information Memorandums, or LIMs) will be adjusted to say their soil meets acceptable criteria.

The properties were among 93 on the former Sandilands landfill site that were tested for soil contaminants last year. Of these, 81 have now been found to meet acceptable standards and 12 have been recommended for remedial work.

“To find now that only 12 properties in the area are being recommended for remediation is a great result for most of the people living at Sandilands,” says Klaus Prusas, the Council’s Environmental Effects Team Leader.

The Council’s benchmark is that every property be safe for families — young and old — and that residents can confidently eat home-grown vegetables. “The extra laboratory tests on soil from the 13 properties were needed to be sure that these benchmarks had been met,” Mr Prusas says.

The Council has applied to the Ministry for the Environment ( MfE) for funding assistance to carry out work on the Sandilands properties that have been recommended for remediation.

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