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City Scene - July 2005
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Pier anglers asked to think of others

Some Christchurch Pier users need to clean up their act or risk being banned, says Kay Holder, the City Council’s Regional Parks Team Manager.

“For some time, rangers have had problems with people repeatedly disregarding the No-Fishing zones, putting other people in danger through overhead casting, and leaving the pier dirty with discarded fish and bait,” Ms Holder says. “So that all visitors can enjoy the pier, we’re asking fishers to follow basic rules like not fishing in the No Fishing zone and cleaning up after themselves.

“The Council can issue trespass notices to pier users who are being a nuisance and has done so recently.”

A trespass notice can ban someone from being on the pier for up to two years and is enforced by the police. Penalties for flouting the ban range from a fine to imprisonment.

Ms Holder says the rules for fishing are clearly marked on the pier in international symbols. Information about them is also available in the Fishing at the Christchurch Pier brochure. This publication is available from New Brighton Library and includes text in English, Chinese and Korean.

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