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City Scene - July 2005
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Growing Sport Fund is now open

This month the City Council is seeking applications from organisations seeking support from its Growing Sport Fund.

This line of funding was set up in 2003, in line with the Council’s recognition that attracting major national and South Island sports events is good for the city. The likely number of participants coming from outside the city and the duration of the event play a part in funding decisions.

International sporting events are supported by the Council’s Sports Promotions Team through other sources of funds.

To qualify for Growing Sport funding, events need:

  • Run for more than a day and require participants to spend at least one night in the city
  • Have more than 100 registered participants and officials from outside of the city
  • Be non-commercial — eg, applications from associations and clubs
  • Be a top-level national or South Island event — eg senior/masters/premier/elite. Priority will be given to national events. International events do not quality for this funding.
  • Be held in city boundaries (CCC may consider a nearby event where the participants will stay in the city)
  • Clubs and associations can only apply once a year, but each application can cover more than one event
  • Events are ineligible if they have funding from another Council source
  • Note for GST-registered groups. These grants are treated as “unconditional gifts” and so do not attract GST.
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