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City Scene - July 2005
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Chance to see around our Seoul Sister City in September

Fifteen places are available for Christchurch residents to travel on a sister city 10th anniversary tour to Songpa-Gu, Seoul, South Korea in September.

Taste of Korea, which is being organised by the Christchurch-Songpa Gu Sister City Committee, will include time at Seoul’s renowned Baekje Cultural Festival, a visit to a Korean folk village and palace, a guided tour of Seoul and the opportunity to spend two nights in the home of a Korean family.

“The eight-day tour’s a wonderful chance for Christchurch people to experience Songpa Gu and Seoul during a special time in our sister-city relationship,” says Christchurch City Council International Relations Coordinator Sue McFarlane.

The tour’s cost, inclusive of airfares, accommodation, meals and sightseeing, will be $1899, plus about NZ$200 in taxes. It will depart on Thursday, 22 September and returns to Christchurch on Friday, 30 September.

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