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City Scene - July 2005
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CBHS wins Crashbash

A play called Just Say No, written by Sam Steeds, a Year 10 pupil at Christchurch Boys High School, has won this year’s Crashbash Award. Professional actors performed the six finalist scripts for judges last month and Sam’s winning entry will be worked up and toured around the region’s secondary schools early next year.

The annual Crashbash high schools’ theatrein-education project is supported by the City Council’s Alcohol Action Project in conjunction with Students Against Drunk Driving and with funding from Land Transport NZ. This year’s theme was “keeping yourself safe as a passenger from alcohol-impaired drivers”. The other five finalists were Sarah Wilson of Marian College, Alice Sommerville of Mount Hutt College, Bridie Connell of St Andrew’s College, Sarah Field of Avonside Girls’ High School and Sarah Manley and Esther Currie of Villa Maria College.

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