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Christchurch City Scene
May 2004

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Cut in Council a challenge for all

Submissions on Ocean Outfall heard

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Stream work brings award

A Christchurch City Council/University of Canterbury project to enhance the university’s Okeover Stream received a gold award at the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture’s annual conference in Christchurch, last month. The award was presented to landscape architect Jeff Weston, who was commissioned by the Council to prepare design proposals for the stream.

The awards’ judges said the previously shunned stretch of waterway in the University of Canterbury grounds has been restored close to a level of thoroughness that only nature could better. “This waterway enhancement sets new standards in environmental improvement and habitat creation and proves that even in the most urban of settings a place of nature can be found.”

A diversity of stream flow, including deep pools and quiet backwaters — mudfish habitat — is now a feature of the stream thanks to advice from design team member and university ecologist Leanne O’Brien. Re-profiled banks, subtle weirs, gabions (rock baskets) and a diverse range of native plants also feature in the design.

Christchurch City Council project co-ordinator Rachel Barker says that in time this new urban ecosystem will be home to a variety of endemic freshwater species including the rare Canterbury mudfish.

“The award was the icing on the cake in a highly successful collaboration between the Council, university, City Care and the landscape architect,” she says.

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