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Christchurch City Scene
May 2004

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Update on community plan for Christchurch

Cut in Council a challenge for all

Submissions on Ocean Outfall heard

Gallery turns one

Estuary plan comment sought

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Estuary plan comment sought

The recently held Estuary Relay in April marked the publication of the “Our Estuary” Ihutai Management Plan by the Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust.

The 30-page document sets out the trust’s vision for improving the health of the estuary and its catchment. Trust members and city and regional councillors walked, kayaked, and boated around the estuary with the document, which is now open for public comment until 30 May.

“We’ve got a non-statutory management plan draft which will act as a guide to statutory agencies working in the estuary and its feeder rivers,’’ says Alex Drysdale, chairman of the trust.

The trust’s formation in 2002 marks a new way of managing natural resources in New Zealand, where the local community takes a lead role. Mr Drysdale says the key is having the community, regional and local authorities all sitting around the same table.

Nine-time Coast to Coast champion Steve Gurney lives in Redcliffs and kayaks, kitesurfs and recreates on the estuary between 200 and 300 days a year. “I really want to see it improved. It’s high time we took more responsibility and ownership for what we do to nature.”

  • For further information: Tanya Jenkins, Publicity, Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust, ph 980 4800 or Alex Drysdale, chairman, Avon-Heathcote Estuary.

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