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Christchurch City Scene
May 2004

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Cut in Council a challenge for all

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Slower speed zones on trial

A new 40 km/h trial speed zone has been installed along the Esplanade in Sumner and on portions of some adjoining streets.

Another trial 40 km/h zone has been installed on a cluster of streets in the neighbourhood of Charleston.

The trial speed zones are the first 40 km/h neighbourhood speed zones introduced in New Zealand. They follow other speed limit changes seen around the city in recent weeks.

The reduction from 50 km/h to 40 km/h along the Esplanade is in line with the average speed vehicles travel along this stretch of road, according to City Council consultation leader Lorraine Wilmshurst “The reduction in speed is a result of trafficcalming treatments introduced in the area by the City Council. Installing new garden features, landscaping and narrowing the road have seen traffic slow down.”

Mrs Wilmshurst says that after an initial trial period, Council staff will carry out ongoing speed checks to see what effect the new speed limit has on traffic behaviour in the area.

  • For more information contact Malcolm Taylor on 941 8604.

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