Shuttle turns six What’s six years old, hard working and loves shopping in the central city? If you guessed Christchurch’s fleet of bright yellow Shuttle buses then you’re possibly one of the five million passengers who have used the free inner-city buses since the service was established by the City Council in 1998. A routine review of the free shuttle service is under way until November and will help the Council decide whether any changes or improvements are required. Part of the review involves asking Shuttle-users, inner-city residents and business owners along the route, how often they use the Shuttle, how satisfied they are with the route, timetable, drivers and the buses. You can pick up a copy of the postage-paid Shuttle review questionnaire off any of the four hybrid-electric yellow Shuttle buses or send your written comments to: Shuttle Review, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch. Feedback must be received by Friday, 28 May.