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May 2004

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Road safety strategy open soon for comment

A draft of the updated Road Safety Strategy for Christchurch will be available for public comment from Monday 10 May.

Christchurch Road Safety Coordinator, Susan Cambridge, says the strategy aims to reduce road accidents so that, ultimately, no lives will be lost on Christchurch roads.

Developed by the Council’s Road Safety Coordinating Committee, the strategy identifies issues that the Council and other organisations involved in road safety are going to work towards improving in Christchurch in the next five years.

Feedback on the strategy must be received by 18 June and will be considered when developing the final road safety strategy, which will be available in September.

A public meeting about the draft strategy will be held at 5.30pm on Tuesday, 25 May at the Fendalton Service Centre. Submissions can be also be made by completing the postage paid feedback reply paid form in the draft document which will be available from Council offices and libraries, or by visiting the Council’s “Have your Say” website

  • Further information: Susan Cambridge, Christchurch road safety coordinator, phone 332 2722 or 025 2211 435.
  • For copies of the proposed Road Safety Strategy, contact the Customer Services Centre 941 8666.

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