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Christchurch City Scene
May 2004

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Update on community plan for Christchurch

Cut in Council a challenge for all

Submissions on Ocean Outfall heard

Gallery turns one

Estuary plan comment sought

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Programmes to improve family life

A programme that works with young people and parents to learn new skills for improving family life is now taking enrolments for this term.

GAIN Canterbury is a Christchurch City Council sponsored programme offering training in communication skills, problem solving, decisionmaking, building self-esteem, dealing with pressure and making healthy choices.

GAIN Co-ordinator Helen Mann says that the programme is not family counselling but an opportunity for families to learn together. It is also an opportunity for families to prepare themselves for the transition to high school and adult life.

“GAIN offers a unique opportunity for parents and their 12 to 16-year-olds to learn strategies for improving communication and negotiating. The truth is, all families do some things very well and all of us can all learn new ways of doing things better.”

In term two, GAIN Canterbury is running six programmes in the city. Each programme is held over five weeks with sessions being two and quarter hours long. Numbers are limited to 12 families, at a cost of $15 per family.

  • For more information contact Helen on 358 4507 or 021 405 039 or email

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