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Christchurch City Scene
May 2004

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Update on community plan for Christchurch

Cut in Council a challenge for all

Submissions on Ocean Outfall heard

Gallery turns one

Estuary plan comment sought

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Brothels Bylaw consultation closes

Seventy-eight submissions were received in the Christchurch City Council’s consultation on its proposed Brothels (Location and Signage) Bylaw.

Of these submitters, 21 asked that their views be heard in person by the Council’s Prostitution Reform Act Subcommittee.

The proposed Brothels (Location and Signage) Bylaw was available for public comment from the first week of March until Friday 16 April.

It was developed after extensive consultation on prostitution issues with the public and stakeholders, last year. Through the bylaw, the Council aims to limit the location of brothels to specified parts of the central city and to control signage advertising commercial sexual services.

Final decisions on the bylaw will be made by the Council, after all written and verbal submissions have been considered.

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