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Christchurch City Scene
April 2003

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Water quality important: Avon survey

Water quality in the Avon River is a primary concern for many of the people who responded to a questionnaire about the city’s main river.

The questionnaire, Floating ideas on the Avon, is part of a Central City study being done on the river by the City Council, focusing on the stretch of river from the Antigua Boatsheds to Fitzgerald Avenue and taking in the entire area from the building edge on one side of the river to the building edge on the other side.

Around 180 people sent back feedback forms. The strongest concerns expressed were to do with water quality, followed by encouraging native wildlife and improving pedestrian and cycle access along the river.

The results suggest people aren’t keen on more commercial ventures on the riverbanks. There is also an indication people want nearby buildings to enhance the river environment with improved facades and activities.

Some respondents say the character of areas that make up the river corridor should be strengthened through appropriate planting.

In general, however, people do not want to see too much change to the river precinct. Instead, they want its attributes protected and the parts they see as crucial enhanced.

Suggestions for doing this included celebrating the Avon with a festival or carnival, bringing Carols by Candelight back to the banks of the Avon, creating a Central City wildlife reserve, developing some art areas and lighting the river at night and highlighting the bridges as monuments.

Some residents offered themes as way of promoting the river ¡ª an emerald necklace to the sea, the aorta of life through the city, an area of vitality and the river as central to the idea of City of Romance.

The feedback comments are being analysed and will be included in an Avon River Corridor analysis document.

A draft strategy is being developed and will be available for comment next month.

  • Visit the Avon River Central City display at Our City O Tautahi (corner of Oxford Terrace and Worcester Boulevard) throughout April and May.
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