New gallery: almost there
In less than a month, the new Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu will be open, and people will be free to wander among the richly hung galleries showing nearly five times the number of works possible in the former Gallery. It is understandable that most public and media attention has concentrated on the new Gallery building, and how it interacts with its neighbours. In particular, the striking glass facade on the western wall is likely to continue to be a topic of discussion and debate for some time. But the Gallery opens on Saturday, 10 May and then the focus for discussion will change dramatically. From that day, visitors will be able to judge the interiors, what is on display, how well it is presented and explained, and decide for themselves the success or otherwise of the facility, both as a gallery and a community meeting place, not merely a building. The Gallery staff are making a mammoth effort to ensure that first impressions are memorable. For three years theyfve been planning and working on the opening exhibitions and the support programmes. They are confident their hard work will excite visitors, and encourage the community to return again and again. That the Gallery should be a place to enjoy is a key message, along with the ideal that it is a place for everyone, presenting an enjoyable, high-quality, diverse programme of exhibitions and events.