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April 2003

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Significance policy up for debate

This year’s Draft Plan includes a new Policy on Significance, a change required as part of moves to start working under the new Local Government Act. It is being included with the Draft Plan because the Council wants to know what people think of the policy.

The new law refers to what it calls “significant” activities (sections 88 and 97), significant decisions (s76(3)(b)) and significant assets (s5 and s97).

Alongside the policy the Council has put together list of what it considers to be its significant assets.

The policy should ensure that the Council, when makes a significant decision, is clear about why is addressing the matter, that it has considered and evaluated the options and alternatives, that it has information on the community’s views about the matter and the options for addressing it, and particularly that it has an understanding of the views and preferences of those persons likely to be affected by, or have an interest in the matter. It means the Council should also balance the importance (significance) to the community with the amount of time, money and effort it puts into researching and evaluating these issues.

The policy will not relate to all Council decisionmaking, but only to those to do with these three areas. It is things like major changes in ownership or control and major additions or abandonment of assets that would go through the process.

According to a staff report considered by the Council last month, the vast majority of decisions made by or on behalf of the Council are not covered by this policy.

“This is intended to enshrine good practice and largely reflects the Council’s current practice which is not to make such decisions without thorough evaluation and providing ample opportunity for people affected by or with an interest in the proposal to have their views heard and considered,the the report says.

  • On 16 June there will a special meeting of the Council's Annual Plan Subcommittee to hear submissions on this policy. This committee will then recommend a final policy to the ordinary City Council meeting on 26 June.

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