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Christchurch City Scene
April 2003

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Have Your Say on 03/04 Plan

New gallery: almost there

Community, economy, environment

The new bottom lines for Christchurch

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Flush medians keep it safe

Flush medians, the white diagonal lines down the middle of some roads, are there to provide a safe place for drivers who are turning right.

On roads with flush medians, you move onto the median as you slow to make your right-hand turn, and wait there for a gap in the oncoming traffic.

Some drivers do not seem to understand the medians’ function and the City Council and the Christchurch Road Safety Coordinating Committee are concerned that some drivers put themselves at risk and hold up traffic by not using them correctly.

An advertising campaign this month aims to tell drivers how to use flush medians.

Pedestrians also use the flush median area as a safe place to wait when crossing the road. Drivers must watch out for them and give them space.

  • More information about flush medians can be found in the Road Code or by phoning Susan Cambridge the Christchurch road safety co-ordinator, on 332 2722.
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