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Christchurch City Scene
April 2003

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City well levels below normal

The city’s well levels are lower than normal for this time of year because there has been little rain in recent months to recharge the aquifers.

Although well levels are lower than normal, the city is unlikely to require water restrictions in the near future. This may change next summer, however, if ground water levels do not improve over the winter and spring.

With the cooler weather demand for water is starting to ease but the Council continues to encourage people to be careful with their water use.

On Sunday, 2 February the city had its highest recorded daily demand in five years — 259,648 cubic metres of water. That amounts to 810 litres for the day for every person in Christchurch.

“The City has the infrastructure to supply the required water providing well levels don't drop to a level that affects our ability to get the water out of the wells, so it is important that we do conserve this resource," says Mike Bourke, the Council's Operations and Maintenance Manager.

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