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Christchurch City Scene
April 2003

Lead Stories

Have Your Say on 03/04 Plan

New gallery: almost there

Community, economy, environment

The new bottom lines for Christchurch

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Belfast Area Plan

The future of Belfast is being investigated by the City Council, which wants to hear people’s opinions about this fast-growing Christchurch suburb.The Council plans to create an Area Plan for Belfast and is at the start of a string of information exchanges with community groups, landowners, iwi and other interested groups and individuals.

City Council planner Matt Bonis says area plans are to help guide development so that it fits with community opinion, protects the environment and recognises an area’s special characteristics.

“Some of the questions we think need discussing are what do you want to see in your community, what do you think are the most important issues facing Belfast and what would you change about the suburb if you could?

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