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Christchurch City Scene
June 2002

Lead Stories

Healthy heart, healthy future

Lichfield/Tuam swap project

Mayoral Forum format the way forward

Healthy Christchurch initiative under way

Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater


Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater

Outfall fallout? Looking east over the city’s wastewater treatment plant at Bromley.The oxidation ponds, Estuary and the ocean are crucial elements in the city’s astewater equation.
The Christchurch City Council will file an appeal against Environment Canterbury’s recent decisions on the Council’s wastewater consents.

Commissioners for Environment Canterbury in effect rejected a City Council scheme to discharge treated wastewater into the Avon Heathcote Estuary.

At its 23 May Council meeting councillors heard that a proforma appeal needed to be lodged with the Environment Court in order to give Council staff and councillors time to make measured decisions about the future of city wastewater.

Putting in an appeal did not mean that the City Council was committed to going ahead with an appeal. It simply allowed the Council to keep its options open and gave it time to consider carefully and thoroughly the direction it wishes to take. It could withdraw its appeal at any time if it decided that was the best course.

In July councillors will meet again to examine staff reports and consider what should be done.

“If the Council chooses to then confirm its appeal, either in part or in whole, it will then have opportunities to have preliminary hearings and negotiations with interested parties and potentially resolve issues before the Environment Court hears the case, ”the 23 May decision says.

“Or, the Council may choose to move down an alternative path to the Estuary discharge and instruct staff to start working toward those ends.”

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