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Christchurch City Scene
June 2002

Lead Stories

Healthy heart, healthy future

Lichfield/Tuam swap project

Mayoral Forum format the way forward

Healthy Christchurch initiative under way

Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater


Survey to help prioritise future sport, recreation

The Christchurch City Council is surveying sport and recreation associations in Canterbury to find out what major facilities the region has and who is using them, so it can help plan what will be needed in the future.

The Council has sent out more than 150 questionnaires asking associations about their membership levels and the facilities they use. It wants to put together a complete set of information about the location of facilities, their cost, condition and access; what special facilities are used such as playing surfaces and lighting); and about any plans to build new facilities, or improve or leave existing facilities.

The information will be used to develop a Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy to prioritise the future provision of major sport and recreation facilities in the city.

A small Steering Group of people knowledgeable in a broad range of recreation and sports provision has been formed to drive the project and help prioritise the needs identified.

For more information, see the Internet or contact Leisure Planning Team Leader Alan Bywater on 941 6430.

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